A blog solely devoted to the building up of an almost completely silly but ironically significant entity created by shear spontaneity on a late night whim. Boots, Staches, Sweaters...and really anything else we think contributes to a healthy society. We like to call it the BSS.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

True Love?

Hey Everybody!

I just uploaded a lil' video for a contest at the Ruth Institute.  I'd love for you to check it out and "like" it below the video.  Thanks!



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love: A state into which one falls

Photo Courtesy of www.twincreeksphotography.com
Posted without securing permission from Tyler,  John, or Kaulene.

Have you taken a gander into a dictionary as of late under the word 'love'?  Yikes!  There's a lot to be said about it.  You've got:

Friendship Love- Non-erotic attachment mixed with hope for another's happiness love

Parent Love- Protective, Unconditional, Stern- Don't-get-between-a-cow-moose-and-her-calf sort of love

Mankind Love- Charity, Service, I-want-to-make-peoples'-lives-better love

Entertainment Love- I-love-that-movie! love

Erotic Love- So....................How-you-doin? love

True Love- The one everyone talks about while never quite realizing how to put a finger on it love.

I recently made a lil' video about love for a contest of sorts.  The video quality didn't turn out quite up to par, but getting together with some very-up-to-par friends who have recently entered, or are preparing to enter, the bonds of matrimony, and asking them questions about this true and lasting love kind of got me thinking.

Amidst this great task of ponder-ment I queried what the BSS take on love might be.  "Cow Moose" spoke first to my BSS oriented mind, but I'm pretty sure that's because moose have a connotation with hunting, and hunting with guns, and we all know that the BSS is overflowing with hillbillies eager to load some ammo and shoot some trap.

No.  I must declare that the BSS is in support of all sorts of love.  I mean, why not?  I've never seen hate give you a friend you can confide in or bring you a SPAM hat while you're in the hospital (that's my favorite hat Seth).  I've never seen anger make a child trust a parent.  I've never seen discrimination bridge cultural chasms.  I've never seen complaining fix a problem, and I've never seen abuse make two people one.

What do you think peops?  Where should the BSS stand when it comes to love?